The trip down from Inagua went smoothly until we arrived at the west tip of the southern arm of Haiti. Wind went from 15 knots to 35 on the nose and seas from 2-4ft. to 8-10ft.
Being fully loaded and discretion being the better part of valor I reversed course and we hid out in a small cove northwest of the village of Tiburon until the sun set and the wind died down to the point of being manageable. I like to arrive in the dark so as to not telegraph our arrival and because of the delay we didn't drop anchor until 0630 at Port Morgan. Sister Flora's boat came immediately and we offloaded all the Meals of Hope by the end of the day. The orphanage is doing well and our cargo of food, medical supplies, and the dresses and shorts that were made by Sewing Hands were well received. Our Naples contact that supplied 1,000 used tennis balls from Collier's Reserve would have smiled if he could see the joy of the children upon receiving tennis balls! What a hit the balls make and it's fun to see the kids happiness with such a simple thing. Bill Clinton is due to arrive to the island for a visit tomorrow and I had a long talk with a couple of the Secret Service agents assigned to his detail. Things are changing in this part of the world, for the better? only time will tell. We are hoping for the weather to break tomorrow and we will depart for Florida. The schooner is having a few issues of concern and I will be relieved to be back in Florida waters soon!!